Saturday, 27 July 2024
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    Customer Focus;
    Medahulukan kepentingan pelanggan internal maupun eksternal dibandingkan kepentingan pribadi dalam pelaksanaan kerja sehari - hari
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    Bersikap jujur, perilaku disiplin dan penuh tanggungjawab, baik menyangkut disiplin waktu kerja, maupun pelaksanaan kerja sesuai tuntutan jabatan dan prosedur kerja
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    Menghasilkan ide-ide yang dapat digunakan untuk mempercepat proses transformasi PERUSAHAAN, serta terbuka terhadap metode-metode baru dalam analisis dan penyelesaian masalah
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    Your human quality is in what you do, and your knowledge is in what you say. (Imam Ghazali)
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    Every company has two organizational structures: The formal one is written on the charts; the other is the everyday relationship of the men and women in the organization. (Harold S. Gene)
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    Being gifted creates obligations, which means you owe the world your best effort at the work you love. You too are a natural resource. (Barbara Sher)
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    Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it. (Buddha)
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    Try not become a successful man but try to be a useful human being. (Einstein)
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    Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right thing. (Zig Ziglar)

CSR Tahun 2015

As a public company, the concern of the Company is not only towards the achievement of added value for the shareholders, but also has a great attention to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In 2015, the Company has implemented CSR programs in the form of community development and community engagement with the value of Rp1,317,594,800,-.

Commitment to the development of communities has been carried out by the Company with significant contribution to national development. With strong coordination and synergy between the Company, the Government, business partners, and local community, the implementation of CSR programs becomes an important tool for creating increased prosperity. Such coordination is the Company‘s strategy in realizing the commitment to grow together with the community, to ensure the benefit distribution of business development, which in turn can guarantee a sustainable development.

The Company is fully aware that in order to continue to grow sustainably, it is necessary to work hard to increase profits in any business activities. However, the Company understands that the sustainability and profitability of the business cannot be separated from the role of society and the environment in which the Company‘s operations are, especially in three (3) sub-districts, which are Tanjung Priok, Pademangan, and Penjaringan, which includes eight (8) villages, which are Sunter Jaya, Sungai Bambu, Warakas, Papanggo, Pademangan Timur, Ancol Timur, Penjaringan and Pejagalan.

The Company is always consistent in maintaining the existence of the business based on the balance concept of Triple Bottom Lines, which are People, Planet, and Profit as a fundamental cornerstone in maintaining the sustainability of running the business. The implementation of CSR programs that promote good relationships with external stakeholders and the environment are continuing to be built constructively with directed emotional appeal approach. These efforts are believed to be able to trigger positive impact not only for the security of Company’s toll road assets, but also toimprove the Company‘s reputation.

In addition to the compliance of Law No. 40 in 2007 concerning Limited Liability Company, the implementation of Company’s CSR program is one of the strategic keys in the success of the Company’s operations. In implementing such CSR program, the Company always conducts monitoring and evaluation so that the programs that are currently implementing and have implemented are effective and efficient.

The realization of the Company’s CSR program implementation in 2015 has disbursed Rp1,317,594,800,- (one billion three hundred seventeen million five hundred ninety four thousand and eight hundred rupiah) or decreased by + 19.74% compare to the 2014 for Rp1,641,699,009,-. This decrease is due to the implementation of CSR activities that have always strive to establish the collaboration with the CSR of other business. It also proves that the CSR of other businesses to the Company‘s CSR activities began has to increase.