Saturday, 27 July 2024
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    Customer Focus;
    Medahulukan kepentingan pelanggan internal maupun eksternal dibandingkan kepentingan pribadi dalam pelaksanaan kerja sehari - hari
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    Bersikap jujur, perilaku disiplin dan penuh tanggungjawab, baik menyangkut disiplin waktu kerja, maupun pelaksanaan kerja sesuai tuntutan jabatan dan prosedur kerja
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    Menghasilkan ide-ide yang dapat digunakan untuk mempercepat proses transformasi PERUSAHAAN, serta terbuka terhadap metode-metode baru dalam analisis dan penyelesaian masalah
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    Your human quality is in what you do, and your knowledge is in what you say. (Imam Ghazali)
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    Every company has two organizational structures: The formal one is written on the charts; the other is the everyday relationship of the men and women in the organization. (Harold S. Gene)
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    Being gifted creates obligations, which means you owe the world your best effort at the work you love. You too are a natural resource. (Barbara Sher)
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    Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it. (Buddha)
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    Try not become a successful man but try to be a useful human being. (Einstein)
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    Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right thing. (Zig Ziglar)

CSR Tahun 2013




As a public company, the Company not only focuses on creating added values for the shareholders through service improvement, but also pays high attention to the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). During 2013, the Company CSR program was carried out in two forms of activities, namely community development and community engagement amounted Rp1,542,952,258.

The Company is fully aware the importance of hard work in sustaining the business growth, so as resulting the higher profitability in each business activities. The Company understands that business continuity shall not be accomplished without the active role from the community and environment around the business locations of the Company, particularly those who live in 3 districts, namely Tanjung Priok, Pademangan and Penjaringan, which cover 8 (eight) sub-districts, they are, Sunter Jaya, Sungai Bambu, Warakas, Papanggo, Pademangan Timur, Ancol Timur, Penjaringan and Pejagalan.

The Company consistently maintained its business existence based on the balanced concept of Triple Bottom Lines, named People, Planet and Profit, as the strong fundamental to sustain its business. The implementation of CSR programs which are emphasized on the good relation with the external stakeholders and the environment are consistently developed in constructive way with the approach of focused emotional appeal. All of the efforts are believed to trigger positive impacts not only on the security of the Company toll road assets but also on the image of the Company.

Not only to fulfill the requirement of Law No. 40 of the Year 2007 about the Limited Liability Company, the Company to CSR implementation also serves as one strategic key to support its business operation. Therefore, in doing so, the Company conducts monitoring and evaluation towards the ongoing and completed programs, in order to ensure the target achievement. During 2013 the CSR programs absorbed Rp1,542,952,258 (one billion five hundred forty two million nine hundred fifty two thousand two hundred and fifty eight rupiah), an 11% rise compared to Rp1,375,000,000 allocated in 2012. The increased amount reaffirmed the commitment of the Company to carry out the social responsibility, which was strongly established through 5 (five) pillars:

1. Education

a. CMNP Supports the Celebration of National Kids’ Day 2013

In order to support the celebration of National Kids’ Day, the Company held an event under the toll bridge of RW 013 Penjaringan, on Saturday (9/8/2014). About 2,000 kids joined in the event that was fulfilled with variety of activities, such as singing and dancing from Kids Learning Group. The event represented the Company appreciation to the spirit of the kids there.

b. CMNP Distributes 1,000 backpacks to Disabled People

Around 1,000 disabled people (the blind people, deaf, autism, etc) celebrated International Disability Day 2013 at the ground area of the Office of North Jakarta Mayor, on Tuesday (2013). In the event, which was held by the North Jakarta City Social Care Office and supported by some business representatives, the Company distributed 1,000 backpacks to carry their food supply during vacation to Dunia Fantasi, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol.

c. CMNP Signs Declaration of Jakarta The Decent City for Kids

The Company and PT Astra International Tbk were among the business representatives that joined in the signing of Declaration of Jakarta The Decent City for Kids together with Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo, at Sungai Bambu Sub-District on Tuesday (12/17/2013). In the event in which 2,000 students were also participated, PT TMMIN and the Company presented its statements to build an interactive park on a 3,000-sqm area at RW 06 of Sungai Bambu Sub-District.

d. CMNP Cares for PAUD

The Company provided aid in the forms of maintenance of PAUD (Education for Early Childhood) facility, namely PAUD Wijaya RW 013 Pejagalan, Paguyuban PAUD Warakas and PAUD Matahari II Sunter Jaya. Those three PAUDs were part of 22 targeted PAUDs for PAUD Revitalization Program in North Jakarta.

2. Social

a. CMNP Gives Donation t o Flood Victims

The Company distributed aids for flood victims in 9 (nine) sub districts along the corridor of Ir. Wiyoto Wiyono, MSc. toll road, on Friday (January 18, 2013). The aids which consisted of 2,500 rice boxes, 75 boxes of instant noodles, and 25 boxes of mineral water were directly distributed to the flood refugee posts. The Company also provided donation for residents of Perumahan Puri Nusaphala Jatiasih Bekasi, on Wednesday (April 17, 2013) which consisted of rice boxes, blankets, medication, as well as sand bags to help support the broken-down water dam that had caused flood with the height up to 100 cm in the area of its employees' residential.

b. CMNP Provides aids for Victims of Gas Explosion and Fire Incidents

The Company expanded its concern to the needs outside its business area by providing education fund aid for Ridho Januar (5 years old), a victim of gas explosion incident in Tangerang, on Saturday (April 26,2013). The Company also distributed aids for 11 houses of fire incident victims at RW 04 Pejagalan subdistrict, Penjaringan district, on Monday (September 30, 2013). The aids were in form of building material.

c. CMNP Serves Free Breakfasting and Ta’jil

The Company served a free breakfasting and ta’jil for second time at ground area of Citra Marga Building (10-30 July 2013). The social event held during Ramadhan took participation of 750 people every day or 11,250 people during the event. The free breakfasting event involved street vendors whose domicile was around the Company head office. Adding to it, the Company also distributed free ta’jil at 18 gates along the Ir. Wiyoto Wiyono, MSc. toll road (8 July – 8 August 2013). About 2,200 ta’jil packages were distributed every day to the toll road users or equal to 41,900 packages during the event. The event was sponsored by El-Shinta Radio, Sonora Radio and other sponsors.

d. CMNP Cares for the Poor

The Company distributed 2,500 daily need packages for the poor families whose domicile in 8 sub-districts along the toll road corridor on Tuesday (30 July 2013). The donation which was given regularly in every Ramadhan represented the Company concern particularly in anticipating the hike of food prices approaching Lebaran Day. Besides, the Company also gave donation through Bazis in North Jakarta.

e. CMNP Donates Qurban Meat

The Company donated 8 (eight) cows and 8 (eight) goats for qurban at Mosques and Mushollas along the corridor of Ir. Wiyoto Wiyono, MSc. toll road and the mosque at Puri Nusaphala, the employees' residential complex, at Jatiasih –Bekasi, on Saturday (October 12, 2013).

3. Health

a. CMNP Supports Warakas as the Champion of Free – Drug Kampong Competition

The Company gave away 500 T-shirt as its support for Success Team for Warakas Area to win at Free-Drug Kampong Competition 2013 of DKI Jakarta Province. At the competition which took participation of 27 sub-districts, Warakas sub-district finally won the first place, followed by Cibubur sub-district at the second place and Kalideres sub-district at the third place. Warakas, which is one of target areas of Company CSR activities, was considered successful in its anti-drug campaign, including activitiy for rehabilitating the drug users. The judges were of National Narcotics Agency and the process took place at Warakas, on Saturday (9 November 2013).

b. CMNP Supports North Jakarta's Indonesian Red Cross Fund Program

The Company supported the Month of Indonesian Red Cross Fund of North Jakarta. The Company support for Red Cross activities is regularly held towards end of the year.

c. CMNP Supports Blood Donor, Posbindu and PHBS

The Company supported the youth organization of Sungai Bambu sub-district in organizing Youth Blood Donor at Sungai Bambu sub-district, on Friday (10/11/2013). The Company also supported Posbindu (Integrated Counseling Post) Anyelir of SDN Kalibaru 10 Pagi at Kalibaru Cilincing sub-district, on Friday (06/21/2013). Posbindu is a service that requires active participation from the society through promotive and preventive actions to detect and control risk of disease. Besides organizing Blood Donor and Posbindu, the Company also held Clean and Healthy Life Movement activity a Warakas sub-district, on Friday (06/14/2013). This activity encouraged awareness for each family member so as to help themselves regarding health and play active role in public health activities.

4. Environment

a. CMNP Takes Sungai Bambu sub-district to Win National Bulan Bakti Gotong Royong Masyarakat (BBGRM) Competition

CMNP supported Sungai Bambu Sub-District to participate in National Public Mutual Cooperation Program at Banjar Baru, South Kalimantan, on Thursday (5/30/2013). At the event, Sungai Bambu sub-district which represented Special Capital Region of Jakarta won the first place, thus leading over the other 33 provinces.

b. CMNP Distributes 500 trees at the event of Bulan Bakti Gotong Royong Masyarakat (BBGRM) X DKI Jakarta

The Company donated 500 productive trees to Government of North Jakarta City at BBGRM X event held under the bridge area of RW 013 at Penjaringan sub-district, on Wednesday (6/12/2013). Symbolically, the tree was planted by Governor of Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Joko Widodo, and the mayors of Jakarta. Besides the tree planting, Joko Widodo also granted a CSR award to the entrepreneurs including the Company, as well as handed over awards to the winners of 10 PKK Programs competition throughout Special Capital Region of Jakarta.

c. CMNP and Astra Group Hold F ree Emission Test

The Company and Astra Group again held the free emission test at Rest Area of Tanjung Priok I Toll Gate, (23-24/4/2013). Around 1,200 vehicles of the toll road users participated in the event. The event which was supported by AstraWorld, Auto 2000, Astra Credit Company (ACC) and Shell represented the third synergy of the Company since being the member of Clean Emission Appreciation in 2004. Not only as one of the CSR activities of the Company and Environment and Social Responsibility of Astra Group towards the improvement of environment quality, the activity was aimed at improving service to the users of Ir. Wiyoto Wiyono, MSc. toll road.

d. CMNP Supports “Stop Nyampah di Kali ”

The Company supported the 6th Stop Nyampah di Kali’ program in 2013 which was held by Local Environmental Management Agency of Special Capital Region of Jakarta in celebrating the environment day, on Thursday (6/5/2013). The activity was a socialization program to the society to prevent them from throwing household waste into the river.

e. CMNP Hosts CSR Coor dination Meeting

The Company hosted the Coordination Meeting themed “Program Synergy between Government and CSR of Companies in North Jakarta” at Citra Marga Building, on Thursday (11/28/2013). The coordination meeting which was attended by North Jakarta Deputy Mayor and his staffs, including District Heads, Sub-District Heads, and business representatives, was a routine program held in every three months to communicate CSR programs to be made in line with the government programs and the needs of the local communities.

5. Provision of Facilities

a. CMNP Provides Futsal Field

CMNP again provided futsal field at under bridge area of RW 10 and RW 13 of Penjaringan sub-district, on Friday (8/30/2013). The sport facility was built as part of campaign for promoting better arrangement, organization and safety of under bridge area.

b. CMNP Cares for Maintenance and Development of Mosque/Musholla

The Company provided donation for maintenance of 33 mosques and mushollas along the corridor of the toll road, on Tuesday (7/30/2013). The Company also provided aids for the development of praying facilities beyond the toll road corridor, namely to Al-Ikhlas Mosque in Bogor, Manarul Huda Islamic Boarding School at Pondok Ungu, Bekasi, Bani Yasin Foundation, Sapriatul Hasanah Mosque, Jami Nurul Iman Mosque at Sunter Jaya, Al-Huda Mosque at Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, as well as supports for activities of Darul Argam MPK Muhammadiyah DKI Jakarta.

c. CMNP Paints Toll Road Pools

The Company supported the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Administration's campaign for Clean Pools, Roads and Bridges in the celebration of Jakarta’s 446th anniversary. Supports were given in the forms of painting activity for the pools and bridge elements along Jl. Yos Sudarso through Jl. DI Panjaitan. The painting activity was also intended to protect the toll road structure.

d. CMNP Supports Renovation of RW Secretariat Office, Mass Organization and Road Asphalt Layering

CMNP supported the renovation of Secretariat Office of RW 07 at Papanggo sub-district, Secretariat Office of Humanika Mass Organization, and road asphalt layering activity and improvement of trenches at RW 11 of Sunter Jaya sub-district as well as painting activity for kastin on Jl. Yos Sudarso and streets at Sunter Jaya sub-district.