Saturday, 27 July 2024
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    Customer Focus;
    Medahulukan kepentingan pelanggan internal maupun eksternal dibandingkan kepentingan pribadi dalam pelaksanaan kerja sehari - hari
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    Bersikap jujur, perilaku disiplin dan penuh tanggungjawab, baik menyangkut disiplin waktu kerja, maupun pelaksanaan kerja sesuai tuntutan jabatan dan prosedur kerja
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    Menghasilkan ide-ide yang dapat digunakan untuk mempercepat proses transformasi PERUSAHAAN, serta terbuka terhadap metode-metode baru dalam analisis dan penyelesaian masalah
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    Your human quality is in what you do, and your knowledge is in what you say. (Imam Ghazali)
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    Every company has two organizational structures: The formal one is written on the charts; the other is the everyday relationship of the men and women in the organization. (Harold S. Gene)
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    Being gifted creates obligations, which means you owe the world your best effort at the work you love. You too are a natural resource. (Barbara Sher)
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    Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it. (Buddha)
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    Try not become a successful man but try to be a useful human being. (Einstein)
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    Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right thing. (Zig Ziglar)

CSR Tahun 2014

The Company fully aware that to keep moving forward and continuously developing, the Company needs to work hard in increasing the profit in each of its business activities. But the Company also understands that the sustainability and profitability of the business can not be separated with the roles of society and environment in which the Company’s operations exist, especially in 3 (three) sub-districts of Tanjung Priok, Pademangan and Penjaringan that consist of 8 (eight) villages of Sunter Jaya, Sungai Bambu, Warakas, Papanggo, Pademangan Timur, Ancol Timur,

Penjaringan and Pejagalan. The Company consistently maintain the existence of its business based on the sustainability concept of Triple Bottom Lines that consists of People, Planet, Profit as the fundamental foundation in maintaining the business sustainability. CSR program implementation emphasizing on good relationship with external stakeholders including environment, is constructively built with directed emotional appeal approach. Such actions are expected to be able to act as trigger that will give positive effect on the security of the Company’s roadway assets as well as on theimprovement of Company’s image.

In addition to the compliance of Law No. 40 year 2007 concerning Limited Liability Company, the implementation of Company’s CSR program is one of the strategic keys in the success of the Company’s operations. In implementing such CSR program, the Company always conducts monitoring and evaluation so that the programs that are currently implementing and have implemented are effective and efficient.

The realization of the Company’s CSR program implementation in 2014 has disbursed Rp1,641,699,009 (one billion six hundred forty one million six hundred ninety nine thousand and nine Rupiah) or increased by 6.01% compare to 2013 that was Rp1,542,952,258. Such increasing number has proven the Company’s commitment in implementing its social responsibility that is summarized into 5 (five) pillars of CMNP CSR which are:


CMNP Distributed 850 Backpacks to FAN

CMNP participated in Forum Anak Nasional (FAN) 2014 by distributing 850 backpacks to the participants of the forum in Sasono Langen Budoyo Taman Mini Indonesia Indah on Thursday (1/5). The event that was held for 4 days was organized by the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection and was participated by 850 children who represent the 33 provinces.

CMNP Facilitated Kids Corner

CMNP provided facilities of child playground that is part of the public service facility in District Office of Warakas, on Wednesday (14/5). The facilities including the refrigerator for lactation room, carpet and some educative toys as part of the Company’s participation in supporting the program of Jakarta Kota Layak Anak.

CMNP Care for Early Childhood Education

The Company provided teaching and learning facilities for early childhood education (PAUD) in PAUD ANNISA Papanggo and PAUD CERIA 08 Sungai Bambu. Both PAUDs are part of 22 PAUD that become the target of the Company in Revitalization PAUD Program in North Jakarta.

CMNP Provided Savings

CMNP provided savings account to 10 winners of the drawing competition participated by 1,000 children on the celebration of Child Day Penjaringan held in Taman Waduk Pluit, Penjaringan (Sunday, 7/9). During the event, inauguration of Forum Anak Daerah Penjaringan was also being held by the Sub-District Head of Penjaringan, Rusdiyanto.

CMNP Care for Pesantren

CMNP concerned on the education of pesantren, as part of the national education system. The Company distributed fund of education of Rp120 million to Pesantren Mahad Aly Al-Naumy in Grogol Selatan Kebayoran Lama, on Monday (15/9). Since its establishment, this pesantren has provided free education to create cadres of Hafidz and Regilion Teacher.

CMNP Distributed 100 School Bags for Orphans

CMNP distributed 100 school bags to orphans of Karang Taruna Kelurahan Warakas on the judging day of Karang Taruna Berprestasi National Finals, in Warakas (Saturday, 1/11). Karang Taruna Warakas represented Karang Taruna DKI Jakarta that was finally won as Karang Taruna Berprestasi on National Level 2014 in Jambi.

CMNP Conducted Dasawisma Training for PKK Cadres

CMNP in collaboration with PKK of North Jakarta held Dasawisma Training participated by 100 PKK cadres, who represent all subdisctricts and villages in North Jakarta, on Friday to Monday )21- 24/11). The training was opened by Mayor of North Jakarta, Tri Kurniadi and is part of the CSR partnership program of CMNP with PKK North Jakarta, beside the development of Interactive Garden in District Sungai Bambu and Prevention of HIV, AID and Drugs in District Penjaringan.

CMNP Held Training for Penjaringan Children Forum

CMNP through a partnership program with Wahana Visi Indonesia held Training for Penjaringan Children Forum in Bogor, Saturday- Sunday (December 6-7). Program that attended by 45 members of Penjaringan Children Forum and 3 representatives of DKI Jakarta Children Forum, gave knowledge and leadership skills, effective communication and organizational skills.

CMNP Facilitated Kids Play Group

CMNP through a partnership program with Wahana Visi

Indonesia, facilitate the provision of Facilitator and Tutors for the empowerment of four Children Study Groups (KBA) in Kelurahan Penjaringan, includes KBA Learning (95 children), KBA Dance (43 children), KBA Marawis (15 children) and KBA Futsal (81 children)


CMNP Care for Flood Victims

CMNP provided help to flood victims in 5 (five) districts of Ir. Wiyoto Wiyono, MSc Toll Road, on Sunday (19/1). The Comapny distributed 200 pcs blankets, 200 boxes of instant oodles, 15 boxes of baby porridge and 10 boxes of baby diapers that were given directly by Mayor of North Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, to Head District of Sunter Jaya, Sungai Bambu, Warakas, Papanggo and Penjaringan.

CMNP Care for Eruption Victims of Kelud

CMNP does not only concern in providing help in its CSR areas, but also to other areas such as to the eruption victims of Kelud in East1 Java. The Company distributed child and adult clothes and also 20 packs of rice that were given directly to the Head of Village Satak,1 Dib District Puncu (Saturday, 1/3).

CMNP Distributed 1,000 Batik Clothes to Elderly People

CMNP distributed 1,000 batik clothes to the elderly people during the 17th National Elderly Day held by Government of North Jakarta in Balai Samudra Ancol, on Tuesday (24/6). The event was participated by 1,000 elderly people and was opened by Mayor Heru Budi Hartono with Underwater Show, and then continued with recreation in Taman Impian Jaya Ancol.

CMNP Held Breakfasting and Free Ta’jil

CMNP held Free Breakfasting for the third time in Citra Marga Building (30/6-18/7). The social event held for one full month on Ramadhan provided 8,775 food during the event or 627 food on average for a day. In addition to Free Breakfasting, CMNP also provided Free Ta’jil in 18 toll gates of Ir. Wiyoto Wiyono, MSc. 61,350 packages of ta’jil during the event or 2,300 packages of ta’jil on average per day that were distributed for free for the toll road users.

CMNP Distributed 2,500 Packages of Sembako for Dhuafa

CMNP distributed 2,500 packages of Sembako that consist of rice, sugar, syrup, biscuit, and ketchup to dhuafa in 8 regions of CSR CMNP areas. The regular donation is part of the Company’s concern for poverty and the price increasing towards Eid day. In addition of dhuafa, the Company also distributed donation of Rp50 million to Bazis of North Jakarta.

CMNP Distributed Qurban Animals to Mosque and Musholla

CMNP graced Idul Adha 1435 H by distributed qurban animals in the form of 6 cows and 8 lamb for 6 mosque and 3 musholla, the meat distributed to the poor in highway corridors of Ir. Wiyoto Wiyono, MSc Toll Road.

CMNP Distributed 750 Goodie Bags for Disabled People

To celebrate the International Disabled People Day, CMNP distributed 750 goodie bags of food and beverages to the disabled people in Mall of Indonesia Jakarta, on Wednesday (3/12). The event was held by the Social Services Department of North Jakarta Government also break the MURI record of Nonton Film Bareng with the Highest Number of Disabled People (1,050 participant).


CMNP Care for Mother and Child Health

CMNP held free health services for the flood victims, especially the mothers and children, under toll RW 08 of Sungai Bambu District, on Saturday (22/2) and under Toll RW 012, Warakas Districts, on Sunday (23/2). The event was opened by Mayor of North Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, and was supported by 30 medical experts and participated by 501 people that consist of 202 mothers and 299 children.

CMNP Supported Indonesia Red Cross Fund Raising

CMNP supported the program of Indonesia Red Cross Fund Raising (PMI) of North Jakarta by buying coupon of PMI of Rp10,000,000 (ten million Rupiah). The Company support to PMI is a regular activity held at the end of the year.



CMNP Held Counseling of HIV-AIDS and Drugs

CMNP and Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) through partnership program held counseling on “HIV & AIDS and Drugs Prevention” that was participated by 500 PKK cadres, religion leaders, and public figure and members of Karang Taruna from 8 RW of Penjaringan Districts, on Saturday (20/12). This activity invited some potential counsellors that are trained and prepared by WVI.


CMNP Distributed Shade Trees

CMNP distributed donation of shade trees such as ketapang kencana, ketapang buah, mangga, kedongdong jambu air and others to SMPN 289 Cilincing North Jakarta, Monday (14/4). The trees are expected to act as water infiltration and provide fresh air to the school environment.

CMNP Care Agriculture

CMNP signed Memo of Understanding with the Dewan Pemerhati Kehutanan dan Lingkungan Tatar Sunda and Yayasan Benteng Madani, in Trans Studio Bandung, on Sunday (11/5). The CSR partnership program of Rp100 million aims to improve optimization of agriculture production in West Java, through establishment of organic agriculture training center and establishment of research center and production improvement of organic agriculture.

CMNP Care Pole Toll

CMNP concerned on the toll cleanliness by painting the poles in toll from PIER 127, (On GT Rawamangun) to PIER 25 (ON GT Kebon Nanas). The painting with total volume of 8,845m2 was conducted on November-December 2014 to support the program of Sukses Adipura of the municipality, in addition to the infrastructure maintenance.



CMNP Held Free Emission Test

CMNP in cooperation with AstraWorld and Auto 2000 Yos Sudarso Workshop held two times of Free Emission Test in 2014, located in rest area of Toll Gate of Tanjung Priok 1 on 4-5/6 and 17-18/12. The event was held by officers from Ministry of Environment and Forestry and officers of North Jakarta Government that was participated by 1,969 vehicles.

Facilities and Infrastructures

CMNP Built Integrated Child Friendly Public Space (RPTRA)

CMNP together with TMMIN and PT Pembangunan Jaya built RPTRA with total of 3,888m2 in Sungai Bambu Distric North Jakarta. The project pioneered by the ex Governor of DKI Jakarta,

Jokowi, is part of the Jakarta Menuju Kota Layak Anak program, CMNP contributed on the project of pedestrian, stage, futsal field, area and play equipment with total of Rp220 million. In addition in Sungai Bambu, RPTRA also was built in five regions in DKI Jakarta and Kepualauan Seribu.

CMNP Care to Mosque and Musholla Maintenance

During Ramadhan in 2014, CMNP donated for maintenance of 33 mosques and musholla located on the toll road corridor, with total amount of Rp36,500,000, on Friday (18/7). CMNP also concerned on the mosque and musholla maintenance outside the toll road corridor such as Musholla in Sunter Jaya, Mosque Al-Mubarok Tanjung Priok, Development of Orphans and Dhuafa Yayasan Mitra Ummat, Musholla Hidayatul Muhtadi Kalibaru Cilincing, Ponpes Al- Falah Purwakarta, Mosque Al-Fath SMUN 36 Jakarta and Musholla Al-Amal RT 003/RW 006 Sungai Bambu.

CMNP Supported Inauguration of LMK and P2NK Team

CMNP supported in the inauguration of LMK in Tanjung Priok, on Wednesday (29/10) by providing blazer uniform and shirts for representatives of LMK RW. CMNP also supported trainings of P2NK team Papanggo, (Sunday, 28/12) by providing 100 t-shirts for P2NK team members.